You Can't Afford to Neglect Your HVAC System

Turn to our team in Sparks, NV for HVAC maintenance services

Keeping up with your HVAC system's upkeep will extend its service life. Felix Mechanical Systems provides comprehensive HVAC maintenance services, including inspection and performance testing. Call 775-742-3208 now to make an appointment in Sparks, NV or a surrounding area.

What could happen if you don't keep up with HVAC maintenance?

HVAC maintenance involves cleaning, lubricating and replacing worn-out parts. Our technicians also look for potential issues that could impact your unit's performance or safety.

Unfortunately, putting off heating and cooling services could result in:

  • Moving parts seizing up
  • Debris building up in your unit
  • Your equipment failing prematurely

Performing maintenance on your unit can save you money in the long run. Contact us today to schedule heating or cooling services in the Sparks, NV area. Don't hesitate to ask us for a free estimate.